Wednesday, June 19, 2013


"Our puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and to the world." --Helen Keller

I used to be a fan of Helen Keller.  There is no denying that she was a remarkable woman and accomplished much in her lifetime.  She showed the world that even though one might not be able to hear or to see, it does not mean that one's life is worthless, that such a one is incapable of being useful.  Unfortunately, she did not believe that all people with disabilities have worth.  She supported eugenics.  The Forgotten Side of Helen Keller  History of Eugenics

Who is the judge of whether someone's life has worth?  Maybe it's just my "puny sentimentalism" talking but I believe that my son and his friends ARE of some use to themselves and to the world. We all have a purpose in life, we are all here for a reason.  Maybe the Giver (of Joy and Frustration) is here to bring more joy into my life and maybe he's here to teach me how to be more patient. Maybe he is just here to love and be loved. Isn't that enough?  He has a smile and laugh that draws you in, dares you not to smile or laugh with him.  When he is having fun, he puts his whole self into it, he doesn't hold back. And when he is being rascally and ornery, he does that wholeheartedly too.  He teaches me every day; how to enjoy, how to live fully, how to love more completely.

We are all imperfect.  God knows our strengths and weaknesses, we are exactly how He made us.  Psalm 139:14 ...for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works;

We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, everyone of us and our purpose?  To love.  To love unconditionally and completely.  Everyone. No exceptions.


  1. Beautiful. So lovely. I am really glad that you are blogging!

  2. Thanks, Danelle. I really struggle with getting my words to convey what's in my mind and heart. I hope to get better at it!

  3. Laurie I am so glad you started your blog! Yeah, you are a writer!
